For the latest rate of exchange on any currency, please see below

Currency Converter
For the latest rate of exchange on any currency, please click below.

Weight / Measurement Conversion Table
1 pound = |
453.59 grams |
1 cubic inch = |
16.387 cm3 |
1 cubic inch = |
16.387 cm3 |

Container Specifications
Size |
Int. Dimensions (LxWxH) |
Weight (kg/lb) |
20' Dry |
589 x 235 x 239 cms |
Gross - 30,480 / 67,200 Tare - 2,280 / 5,030 Max payload - 28,200 / 62,170 |
40' Dry |
1203 x 235 x 239 |
Gross - 32,500 / 71,650 Tare - 3,700 / 8,157 Max payload - 28,800 / 63,493 |
40' High Cube Dry |
1203 x 235 x 270 |
Gross - 32,500 / 71,650 Tare - 3,880 / 8,554 Max payload - 28,620 / 63,100 |
20' Reefer |
545 x 229 x 217 |
Gross - 30,480 / 67,200 Tare - 2,990 / 6,591 Max payload - 27,490 / 60,600 |
40' High Cube Reefer |
1158 x 228 x 242 |
Gross - 34,000 / 74,957 Tare - 4,520 / 9,965 Max payload - 29,480 / 64,992 |

Shipment Tracking
For an update on your current shipment, click the links below to be directed to the shipping line's tracking page. You will need either container number or bill number in order to retrieve the latest information.

For more information call +44 (0) 1394 670718.